The mobile technology, besides of have been revolutionized the way of how we communicate, also is giving an impact to the advertising strategies. According to a research called “Marcas mexicanas favoritas por su creatividad” from the Investigation Department of Merca2.0, the mobile marketing is the strategy that achieved more presence to the consumer who uses this kind of technology, especially the called millennials. According to this research, in the year 2017, the mobile marketing will achieve an income about 10 thousand 694 million dollars.

According to the marketing research created by nPeople, called “Investigación e innovación Digital”, with the purpose to know how works the purchasing process online using a Smartphone as a media, and also reaffirm the relevance and importance of the marketing by this kind of devices. Besides, it was mentioned that the 55% of the users of a Smartphone accept the publicity, especially if they get something instead, like discounts or another kind of offer. The Smartphone is used the 33% for research of prices and the 23% to know where they can get a product or service.
How to take advantage from Mobile marketing?
It is estimated that the last year used to exist 5 million 703 thousand 500 applications able in 5 different platforms, according to Statista. These applications, or better known as Apps, are an excellent tool to create a more dynamic communication between the company and the client, especially if they use instant messaging.
Although it was thought that the e-mail may lose strength because of all the technological advances which are growing up, in the mobile marketing world it remains as one of the tools that achieve more results.
Another tool that is popular is the video for mobile marketing. According to a research by YouAppi revealed that the 89% of the digital marketing uses or plans to use videos to advertise their products or services in mobile devices. This kind of videos they are commonly used to publish on social networks and for in-apps videos, which are very appreciated especially by the so-called millennials than other generations.